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Mobile mapping systems such as UAV’s provide a cost efficient way for collecting large amounts of high resolution data which can effectively and efficiently be used to monitor construction progress. With the help of drones it is possible to complete these tasks accurately and in a time efficient manner. 


CGC's in house licensed pilots can undertake aerial mapping campaigns to regularly monitor earthworks and site progress, providing accurate data for compliance and analysis purposes. Our specialised aerial mapping services for civil construction and earthworks monitoring include volumetric analysis, site access and cut and fill management 

Production of interactive 3D models such as below provide levels of detail on site features that cannot be captured by traditional methods.



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CGC's earthworks aerial mapping helps identify the materials onsite, enabling more efficient identification of stockpile/cut/ fill volumes, management & progress reporting



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Fast and effective aerial capture of site progress, enables provides our clients with the information they need for numerous purposes such as:

  • Monitoring land disturbance

  • In-house progress

  • Site and facilities management

  • Client progress reports

  • Record keeping of construction activities

  • Access/haul route planning and development

  • Site access planning

  • Geological mapping of exposed materials

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