what we do
Our extensive experience, deep transport sector knowledge, and highest possible geotechnical accreditation equips us to deliver smart, practical and cost-effective engineering solutions.
Transport geotechnics
Detailed design
Design management
Construction support
Temporary works
Site investigations
Bulk earthworks
Foundations and retentions
Materials assessments
Slope risk assessments
UAV aerial mapping
Geotechnical risk modelling systems
3D photogrammetric mapping
Geotechnical interpretation
Engineering opportunity analysis
Contract management
Ground Improvements
RPEQ certifications

Our commitment to positive social change
We believe it’s important for us to be more than an excellent engineering firm. We also want to make a positive social impact because we know that when everyone does their bit, we can change things for the better. That’s why we invest half our profits into programs designed to improve learning opportunities for young people.
We work with our partners to maximise impact
We partner with community groups to provide programs and funding for young people based on four evidence-based pillars: building confidence, building knowledge, building career pathways and building financial stability. By supporting our partners; Logan-based schools, Woodridge State High School and Kingston State College, the Pyjama Foundation, SalTy Souls Legacy, QATSIF, Fuel for Schools and Sharehouse Youth Programs, we help break down barriers and improve learning opportunities for young people.
When our clients work with us, they not only benefit from smart, practical and cost-effective engineering solutions, they also contribute to lasting and positive change in our community.

Our social impact
Our commitment is so much more than words. Here’s how we make a practical difference in the lives of young people:
We have mentored over 35 students from our partner high schools and the Pyjama Foundation.
We run a 'STEM for Everyone' program at UQ. Over 220 young people have participated in the interactive engineering workshops and university campus experience.
We have provided over $100,000 in funding for the Pyjama Foundation's Love of Learning mentoring program.
We have funded 18 career pathways scholarships for year 12 students.
We have funded 10 scholarships for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students in year 11 & 12.
We have funded 4 x 4-year university scholarships.
We have provided $80,000 for financial hardship programs at our partner schools.
We have donated $40,000 to Fuel for Schools for their breakfast program to 58 schools across the Townsville region.
We have donated $65,000 to Sharehouse who provide support and programs for young people at risk of homelessness.
We have donated $10,000 to Salty Souls Legacy to support vulnerable youth through their community surfing programs
We have funded 235 iPads and laptops for young people facing financial hardship.
We have delivered interactive STEM-based workshops to more than 400 students.
We have conducted interactive STEM experiments, robotics and drone demonstrations to the children, carers and mentors of the Pyjama Foundation.
We provide job-readiness skills, knowledge and offer work experience and career pathways for young people.